
Legal Advisory


  1. Corporate reorganization and restructuring (mergers, spin-offs, global assignment of assets and liabilities, exchange of securities, etc.).
  2. Support and advice in investment processes, purchase and sale of businesses or business groups and association and cooperation agreements for the development of business projects.
  3. Operational and financial advice for mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
  4. Advice for the preparation of minutes.
  5. Preparation of all types of contracts.
  6. Preparation of legal opinions or legal-corporate opinions.
  7. Extrajudicial and judicial collection.
  8. Management and execution of all types of procedures, consultations and requests before administrative units to obtain all types of administrative authorizations.
  9. Guidance in order to benefit from public programs that encourage the importing and manufacturing of goods.
  10. Advice in Aeronautical Law.


Calz. Gral. Mariano Escobedo 748 – PH (Penthouse) Alcaldia Miguel Hidalgo, 11590 Mexico City, Mexico


(+52) 55-9308-4928


C&C Asesores

Calz. Gral. Mariano Escobedo 748 PH
Miguel Hidalgo, 11590,
Mexico City, Mexico